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CabepiliJjoi by ILC®

Crispy Potatoes

Services: 4
4 baking potatoes
1 cup breadcrumbs or ground crackers
½ cup of wheat flour
Approximately 2 cups of corn or canola oil “for frying”
2 tablespoons Adobo CabepiliJjoi by ILC®
1. Remove the skin from the potatoes and cut as you prefer.
2. Add the oil in a pan “enough for frying”
3. In a container, mix the flour, bread or ground biscuit together and the CabepiliJjoi by ILC® seasoning for all types of food.
4. Stir the potatoes well into the dry mixture and remove any excess.
5. Finally, fry the potatoes until golden brown. “The potatoes should be submerged in the oil.
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